For Immediate Release 10/31/2022
Chicago, IL: Considering the decision by Twitter’s new CEO to reduce the company’s product, engineering, legal, and trust and safety departments to levels that can no longer effectively prevent rampant abuse, we have decided to cease all advertisements and set company accounts to private. We have also removed Twitter from all social share links. We have also removed Twitter from all online marketing strategies and budgets.
These actions, combined with the CEO using his personal account to spread misinformation, are enough to confirm a new business plan that relies on monetizing content policies that no longer align with this company’s mission and culture.
Over the years, Twitter has served as a remarkably useful platform during conferences and conventions and to help arts and culture organizations build connections with their community.
All of this makes recent developments that much more disappointing, and we look forward to a time when Twitter will once again be a communications channel we use.
UpStage Technologies is a company that builds cutting edge CRM, ticketing, and website software designed especially for arts and culture organizations. Designed from the ground up as a fully managed, serverless cloud platform solution, our software is designed to be used by organizations of any budget size. Our mission is nothing less than disrupting the arts and culture sector to change consumer behavior, expand revenue streams, and transform lives for good. Learn more about the company, its mission, and values at